About "Sync Google Drive to your network drive" & "hybrid approach"

The hybrid approach is a combination of file server + Google Drive.

For it to work, you install Insync on your Windows file server and have your employees connect to the server via network drive. On the file server, you will redirect the user’s home profile folder to that of Google Drive (i.e. all the user’s Google Drive files will reside in the user’s home directory on the file server). So essentially, your team won’t need to install Insync on their laptops or desktops but connect via network drive.

That’s it.

The benefits are if you have been using the network drive approach before Google Drive, you can keep it the same :smile:

If you want to try it, we suggest you run Insync as a service: How to run Insync as a service on Windows Server

If you have further questions, ping us at support@insynchq.com.