Moving to a new disk


When I was using Dropbox I could easily move my data to the new disk, install Dropbox (Linux) and it went through the data without making any changes, just confirming. With Insync I get two of every file when I do this. Is there a way to be able to move all my Google Drive data to a new disk, install Insync and not end up with two of everything?

Hello @Christian_Dysthe,

We have a file-matching feature that is coming. It is on a beta test. It will allow you to sync to your existing Google Drive folder.

You may test the build here: File Matching is here! (New Insync version: 1.3.0)

Let me know how this goes.



Very good news! I will let you know how it works out. Insync is now so good that I have dared ditch Dropbox for good (I hope)! :slight_smile:

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