Store to the main drive

I hope someone can help me to understand insync better. I have 3 Google drive accounts to store different purpose data and there are a couple of users with their own google account in order to access those drives. I have given full permission to all users to access those drives. On each users computer the insyc is installed and connected to the users google account. The finder (Mac) creates the folders correctly and all works well. However it seems that all data that is stored to the main drive is also stored to the small drive of the user who created the file and therefore the warning of insufficient space shows up. Is there something wrong with the setting?

@Furst_Messebau: if there are files in your Google Drive that you don’t want synced locally, the Selective sync feature should do the trick: How to selectively sync Google Drive folders and files

Thank you but that isn’t the problem I refer to. I do like to syncronise everything to the local drive of every user. The problem we have is that whatever user 1 is creating and saves to the main google drive is also saved to his own google drive. Something that we do not wish to happen. We would like to have it stored on one central google drive and on each users hard drive but not on their google drive account.

@Furst_Messebau: researched and did some tests regarding this concern. I’m afraid initial testing shows that there’s no way for a user to create a file and have it stored in another user’s Drive (in your case, the main drive) through Sharing. The Drive API doesn’t allow it

In order for the files to be solely stored in your ‘main drive’, the files would have to be uploaded/synced by that account and not other users:

An example setup would be to have users add the ‘main drive’ account to the Insync app in their machine, then they can sync files using the main drive account so only the main drive stores it – but of course this is only workable if the users are allowed to have full access to the main drive account

We will update this if anything new comes up