Upgrade boot SSD without having to re-sync


How do i upgrade my boot SSD without having to re-sync everything? i.e. I will reinstall Ubuntu Mate

The path to the files on the local network won’t change as a result of upgrading the boot drive.


Hi! You’ll need to follow this guide for moving Insync to a new computer since reinstalling Ubuntu Mate will affect the Insync dbs files :slight_smile:


Point 5 in the guide here Moving Insync to a new computer without re-syncing says:

“Start Insync on Machine 2 and 1”

There won’t be a machine 1 in my scenario, does that matter?


@Hika_Reti No, that will not matter, you can just start it on your new installation. The important thing is to backup the “dbs” folder before reinstalling.


Just one more question/clarification, by copy the “dbs” folder you mean copy the entire insync folder from “/.config/” to “/.config/” on the new install don’t you? Rather than just the “dbs” folder inside the insync folder.
