Feature request: option to ignore my own changes

Tell me only when someone else modifies (adds, edits, deletes) shared items.

Motivation: When I modify my shopping list, a file I share with my spouse and access from my desktop and on my mobile device, I don’t need a notifications. Especially since sometimes I get multiple notifications for a single change, and sometimes I’m notified for only viewing the file, making NO changes.

@Henry Are you looking for a selective notifications options?

Not sure what you mean by “selective notifications”.

I am asking for a check-box option like this:

[ ] Don’t notify me of my own changes.

I think it makes no sense to generate notifications with respect to actions you, yourself, take and I think Insync should have omitted such notifications from the beginning. There may be exceptions for security or debugging issues, which is why I propose this check-box.

I don’t support any greater selectivity as to what generates an Insync notification. Keep it simple – these are notifications, not instrumentation.

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