Keyexpired 147347981

Just received the same error. Re-doing ‘wget -qO -
| sudo apt-key add -’ did not fix it so I am guessing that it hasn’t been updated/renewed yet.

I can verify the problem.

I am guessing they have a temporary problem with their servers. I am basing this on my attempt to enter the server URL in my browser - I got an Access Denied error…

Let’s hope they’ll fix it soon…

Their PGP key has just expired - you can verify this yourself by running apt-key list | grep -iB1 insync. They’ll need to generate a new one, and we’ll all need to download it.

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Same problem

apt-key list | grep -iB1 insync

pub 2048R/ACCAF35C 2012-09-10 [caducó: 2016-09-10]
uid Insynchq Inc

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver ACCAF35C

no change

Ign jessie/contrib Translation-en
Ign jessie/non-free Translation-es
Ign jessie/non-free Translation-en
Descargados 174 kB en 10s (17.3 kB/s)
Leyendo lista de paquetes… Hecho
W: Error de GPG: jessie InRelease: Las siguientes firmas no fueron válidas: KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811

This should be a relatively easy fix on their part. I just doubt it’ll be fixed before the end of this weekend.

Hi all. Very sorry for the trouble. A new key has been uploaded, but it still errors on my test. apt-key list | grep -iB1 insync shows that the expiration date has changed though. I’ll take a look a this some more.

$ apt-key list | grep -iB1 insync
pub   2048R/ACCAF35C 2012-09-10 [expires: 2020-09-10]
uid                  Insynchq Inc <>

EDIT: It looks like the command I used to import the key was wrong for some reason. Here are the steps to fix this issue then:

$ sudo apt-key remove ACCAF35C
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys ACCAF35C
$ sudo apt-get update

Let me know if it works for you.



Thanks for the updated steps, they worked fine for me just now.


Thanks, it worked for me too.
I had to use
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys ACCAF35C
to go through port 80, since it looks like 11371 is firewalled for me. (I guess the wget method would have worked too.)

It worked. Thanks a lot, lpugoy.

Yup, expired: apt-key list | grep -iB1 insync
pub 2048R/ACCAF35C 2012-09-10 [expired: 2016-09-10]
uid Insynchq Inc

W: GPG error: trusty InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811 KEYEXPIRED 1473479811

Hi all.

Please direct new discussion on this thread, thanks: New Insync version: 1.3.11.

Thanks Ipugoy,
that worked fine for me too.

It works for me too. Thanks!

That fixed it! Thank you!

thanks ! ok for me on ubuntu 14.04

Thanks, this works for me.:slight_smile:

Good work! Just wanted to say I’m super happy that you had a crack to fix this quickly and then share the solution for us.

Go Insync!

Happy Insync patron.