Migrate to another gdrive accout without re-sync


I have a personal gdrive 1TB account with insync on linux.
I have created a new gdrive account for my family.
I 'll plan to move/copy all files to this new account, with same files (i’ll plan to use multicloud).

What about Insync ? Pay for my new account is not a problem (Insync is very good), but is it possible to not re-sync all because I have a poor WAN connection (2Mbps) ?

  • is insync is base from file name and attributes ? base on a internal md5 sum ? Can I have a way for migrate without re-sync ?


Sorry for the late reply. No need to pay for a new account, just log in with the same Google Account you used to sync.

@jimperio, is there a way to move over files without resyncing in Linux?

@Tonio_Vanzetti I’m sorry for not responding sooner.

Insync does have a file matching system in place that should help reduce bandwidth consumption when you add your new account. This will still take some time though, for Insync to process and match the existing local files with ones on Drive for the new account.

File matching will be automatically done when you add the new account, then select the local folder with the existing files.

Some possible issues:

  • In rare cases, duplicates may be created when file matching fails.
  • Link files (.gddoc, .gdsheet, etc.) will not be matched properly because the IDs of those files would have changed when you moved them to the new account (unless multicloud reuses IDs and just re-assigns ownership). This can be resolved by deleting the link files and letting Insync re-create them.


Thanks for your responses.

I have do this:

  • shutdown insync
  • use multcloud to copy data to my new google drive account (just too long with free account)
  • rename the ./config/insync folder
  • launch insync, connect with my new google drive account, select my original Google Drive folder, uncheck “sync all”. Insync scan my folders, and just few files was re-sync (possible multcloud had not sync all…), and just one error on an ods file, that i need to revert…

so perfect !

@jaduenas : need to re-pay because new google drive account !?!?