No move detection in symlinked external folders

I believe the dev team is aware of this. I just want to document this and make sure it’s on Insync’s todo list

When moving a file in a symlinked external folder (outside of Insync’s normal root folder), Insync does not detect the move, but instead delete the file in old location and add a new file to the new location, even if both the old and new locations are in the same symlinked external folder.

This is not the case when moving a file in Insync’s main root folder. There most of the time, Insync can detect file movement fine.

Hope this move detection can be extended. It has serious implications on file version history that Google Drive keeps.

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cc @marte @jimperio is this a known issue?

@Hawk In your case, is the symlinked external folder on an external or network drive? There should be no issues if the symlinked folder is on the same drive as your main Insync folder.

You probably already know my answer. Yes, they’re all on one external drive.