Repository for openSUSE

@cesarizu: Do you mean that you are also encountering a message similar to:

Permission to access '' denied.

I’m also unable to reproduce this in Fedora 25 unfortunately. What are the contents of /etc/yum.repos.d/insync.repo?

@Cris70: The URL is not accessible because the repo is hosted in S3 and we didn’t enable browsing, but files under it should be accessible. For example This probably caused the error you encountered with the command

sudo zypper ar -r

Please try recreating /etc/zypp/repos.d/Insync.repo manually instead then retry.

Yes I’m getting the same permission error. I removed the repo and tried to add it again and still got the same permission error.

I have the same problem with fedora 25 and 21 repos. Manual recreating doesn’t solve the problem.
opensuse tumbleweed

@lpugoy yes I can actually access the document at
However, even after manually recreating the repo file, the problem persists.

This may help you in debugging: on one of my Tumbleweed boxes - where I didn’t remove the old insync given the problem I had on the other - I noticed that with every zypper dup it tried to update insync, and it actually was able to download the new package. However, it would later fail with the dreaded lstat error.

So today, I tried to delete the contents of the /usr/lib/insync directory without first uninstalling insync. I did that while zypper was still downloading the new packages (the new insync had already been downloaded).

Well, this time it succeeded in installing the new insync!! (though it was a little upset due to the missing files :slight_smile:)

However, although I now have an updated and working Insync, the repository still shows the usual access denied errors whatever I try to do with zypper.

See for example:

cris@PolariSuse [~]$ sudo zypper ref
[sudo] password for root:
Permission to access '' denied.
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
ABORT request: Aborting requested by user
cris@PolariSuse [~]$ sudo zypper dup
Warning: You are about to do a distribution upgrade with all enabled repositories. Make sure these repositories are compatible before you continue. See 'man zypper' for more information about this command.
Permission to access '' denied.
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
ABORT request: Aborting requested by user

@lpugoy don’t know if it is relevant, but here you can find more informations on the /media.1/media path:

I also am having the same problem as Cris70 and others on openSUSE tumbleweed. Why was browsing to this file disabled in the S3 repo? Wondering if this might be the issue.

@lpugoy maybe it would be a good idea for you to setup a build user at, that way you could build packages for different opensuse versions / architectures, and even for fedora and other distributions. You would also get for free some rpm checks and hosting.

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I agree @cesarizu Do we have access to the source so we can build it in the OBS?

@cseader @cesarizu: We don’t provide sources, only binaries. I took a look at the Build service before but it seemed complicated for me. Might take a look in the future.

@Cris70: Thanks for the link. That indicates that the /media.1/media folder is expected when using a YaST repo. That is not required for rpm-md repos, which is the type specified in the /etc/zypp/repos.d/Insync.repo file. So this looks more like a zypper bug to me. As a workaround I was able to make zypper ref succeed by adding the --force flag.

@lpugoy yes, using the --force flag allows to refresh the Insync repo. Even after that, however, I cannot install Insync on the PC where I removed it (usual access denied error).

It may actually be a bug in a recently published version of zypper, because the problem only started showing a few days ago.
I don’t know (didn’t check) if zypper has been recently updated, though, but maybe others in this forum will help.

If this is true, we could try filing a bug against openSUSE. But in the meantime, could you create the expected files/directories to see if the “access denied” error vanishes?

@lpugoy either you changed something in the repo in the last few minutes, or it was my change to the repo file (see below) that made it work, because I was finally able to (re)install Insync!!

I tested other rpm-md repositories to see if they contained the /media.1/media path, and saw that they did not contain it. But I noticed that all those repos had gpg-checking enabled.
So I modified the Insync repo this way:


i.e. I added the two gpg* lines.
Then tried again to install Insync and it worked!!

Hope this helps others too!

P.S. A few minutes later… the problem persists :frowning:
It seems every time I change something in the repo file it can correctly complete the very first command I try and then… back to the usual behavior:

cristiano@xmper8q3 [~]$ LANG=C sudo zypper ref
Permission to access '' denied.
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
ABORT request: Aborting requested by user
cristiano@xmper8q3 [~]$ LANG=C sudo zypper in insync
Permission to access '' denied.
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):
ABORT request: Aborting requested by user

@Cris70: Hmm, what other examples of rpm-md repositories are you using?

@lpugoy one example is the Vivaldi repository:
> cristiano@xmper8q3 [~]$ cat /etc/zypp/repos.d/vivaldi-beta.repo
> [vivaldi-beta]
> name=vivaldi-beta
> enabled=1
> autorefresh=1
> baseurl=
> type=rpm-md
> gpgcheck=1
> gpgkey=
> keeppackages=0

This one is perfectly working, but it apparently does not contain a /media.1/media directory:

@Cris70: I think I know the cause now. The path used to return an HTTP 403 which is used to specify that the access to the path is denied. If a path does not exist the code that should be returned is HTTP 404. I changed the settings of the S3 bucket to return a 404 instead. I still maintain though that for rpm-md repos zypper shouldn’t look for those paths.

@lpugoy it is working now!!! Thank you!!!
You’re probably right about rpm-md repos… I don’t know who to report it to, however…

@Cris70 @lpugoy I have filed a bug to openSUSE on this.


try the web interface, maybe that helps (and looking at other simple projects ;))

I’m using Fedora 37 repository, please update insync-dolphin (and other file managers) to latest insync version…

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@Andre_Verwijs Thank you for raising! I have forwarded this to our Linux engineer :slight_smile:

Hi @Andre_Verwijs :slight_smile:

We don’t deploy updates to the file manager extensions as we do to the main Insync client. So, there will be instances where the version numbers do not match. The latest file manager extension versions would still work with the Insync client that has a higher versioning. Hope this helps! Let me know otherwise :slight_smile: