I am syncing the large web projects with thousands of files. And all the way I am syncing the same files all the time that are really not ever changing (Drupal|Wordpress|Joomla core files, for example). So it would be great to have a special flag file, that will prevent folder from sync.
Just imagine: I put the .insync-stop file in the folder, and that folder and all of it’s contents is out of sync now. Cool!
hi @whitewind, what do you mean by “out of sync”? is your intention to have files sync from a local folder to your Drive, and then to delete the local copies? Thanks for sending this in!
Hi! Let me explain it more clearly. I am a web developer, so I have a bunch of current projects and I want them to be always in sync with google. But sometimes I have some files and folders, that should be kept only locally and not to be synced with google drive. For example, I can sync the folder with my project and exclude (somehow) the folder with CMS core files and modules. In my case I have a theme preprocessor folder, that keeps a dozen thousands of files that are not necessary to sync (I can generate them in place faster, than sync it with google). Ignore list is not working as expected, selective unsync just deletes the folder. So all I want is a flag file, that will make the folder and it’s content to be ignored by insync (in both directions).
So my idea is to ignore some folders totally (like they are not exist for insync). I have tried in vain creating the stop list, but node_modules (as folder called) and *node_modules* was not preventing that folder to by synced.
thanks @whitewind, took note of this request. The ignore list feature should be able to help, but it sounds like there’s an issue. please send your log files to support@insynchq.com for further investigation