What feature do you want us to work on? + Product Updates

i’m happy to say that the flatpak option is something we are working on…


Thank you so much! Really missing it in Fedora Silverblue.

After flatpak support, my second request is for Sync On Demand. ExpanDrive has this functionality and I’d love to see it in Insync.

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Thanks so much @bayindirh and @Jason_Lee for the continued support! I have taken note of your feedback for our Product Team to consider further :slight_smile:

I’ve been a insync user for a long time… Haven’t really used it much the last year as I switched from Google to a self hosted Nextcloud, which I GREATLY prefer. My main issue with it, has been a quality app to sync it to my laptop (Nextcloud’s sucks and disconnects more than it connects).

I would love to see NC integrated into insync

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