Workaround for Insync not starting (segmentation fault) after Fedora 34 libxkbcommon update

Hey, everyone! We’ve released a fix for this error. Kindly download the latest version of our app here and let us know if it works!

I am still experiencing the same issue: out.txt shows this:

GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 10:53:56.099: Settings schema ‘org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings’ does not contain a key named ‘antialiasing’

I’ve tried both the version referenced in this thread (insync_3.5.3.50123-focal_amd64) as well as (insync_3.5.4.50130-focal_amd64)

I am running a new install of Ubuntu 21.10

Output from # insync start --no-daemon
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-root’
QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
WARNING:root:While reading /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “idesklinux/”, line 53, in __index_default_apps
File “”, line 696, in read
File “”, line 1091, in _read
configparser.DuplicateOptionError: While reading from ‘/usr/share/applications/defaults.list’ [line 265]: option ‘application/xhtml+xml’ in section ‘Default Applications’ already exists
WARNING:root:While reading /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “idesklinux/”, line 70, in __index_apps_for_mimetypes
File “”, line 696, in read
File “”, line 1091, in _read
configparser.DuplicateOptionError: While reading from ‘/usr/share/applications/defaults.list’ [line 265]: option ‘application/xhtml+xml’ in section ‘Default Applications’ already exists
INFO 2021-10-17 11:08:58,607 [mainlogs:_log_run:139] Core(app_version=, platform=Linux-x86_64-ubuntu/21.10) initialized
WebEngineContext used before QtWebEngine::initialize() or OpenGL context creation failed.
[15821:15821:1017/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

Hi @Shannon, could you confirm if you’re running a Wayland or X11 session when this issue persisted?