[1.2.10/Xubuntu 15.04] Notifications not being shown

No notifications are being shown. I have tried:

  • Copy the private link to a document
  • Create a new file on the GDrive web interface
  • Delete a file on the GDrive interface

and no notifications were shown in all three cases.

This seems to be a regression to version 1.2.7, reported here, which had been solved with version 1.2.8.

I’m running insync, insync-thunar, Xubuntu 15.04.

@marcelpaulo I haven’t gotten around to this but it’s on our TODOs, apologies.

Issue solved with version 1.2.11

No, I was wrong. Notifications are still not working ! I’ve just copied a public link using the Thunar interface, and the link was copied but no notifications shown.

So, problem still waiting for a solution.