[1.2.8 on Xubuntu 15.04] How do we downgrade to 1.2.7?

Version 1.2.8 introduced 2 regressions, discussed in #1077 and #1076. I would like to downgrade to 1.2.7, because:

  1. Those 2 issues were not present in 1.2.7
  2. I can’t see any perceptible improvements in 1.2.8 that justify living with those 2 issues

What do I have to do to downgrade ? The repository only shows the latest version. Can the previous version be made available for download somewhere else ?

@marcelpaulo Please try to download from this page: New Insync version: 1.2.7.

Thanks for that, @lpugoy. Next time I need, I’ll look around the forum for the download links, instead of unnecessarily opening a new issue. Apologies for that.

For reference, in case someone else decides to downgrade, in order to avoid 1.2.7 being automatically upgraded to 1.2.8, it’s necessary to create file /etc/apt/preferences.d/insync.pref with these contents:

# insync 1.2.8 breaks get_private_link

Package: insync
Pin: version 1.2.7*
Pin-Priority: 900

Where can I install insync-thunar 1.2.7 from ?

EDIT: I have just installed insync-thunar together with insync, and can’t see any incompatibilities so far.