Duplicate files when editing files docx & odt


Thanks for a great product.

I’m using Kubuntu 14.04 and I have insync 1.3.2 set to convert synced documents to OpenDocument.
A coworker uploaded a docx files to a shared folder. Insync synced it properly to my local Kubuntu machine. However when I open the file for editing on the web insync duplicates the document on local machine in OpenDocument format with the extension “.docx.odt”.

Now I have 2 files on the computer with different extensions and 2 files on the web with the same exact extension. As you can imagine it’s confusing figuring out which file to collaboratively edit.

Update: If I open it a third time for editing, also from the web, a third file is created. Further editing does not create more files.

On the web:


on Kubuntu:

file.docx (2).odt

How can I fix this.


Hi @abadr will tag our engineer @lpugoy in this and he will get back to you :smile:

@abadr: Please send your logs to support@insynchq.com for investigation: How to find the log files. Also please confirm the permissions on the shared file if it is just shared to you read only.

i also dont know how to logfiles, please assist me too. Thanks!