Files Deleted by sync and not in trash!


I recently discovered that huge numbers of files were deleted from my organization’s drive, supposedly by me! I had just installed normal google drive sync on a new windows machine, and had also re enabled insync on my linux machine after not turning it on for a long period of time, so I’m not sure which caused the problem.

I found some of them in my google drive trash and was able to restore them, but others are still missing!

Any idea what’s going on here and how to recover the files?

Thanks so much!

  • Erik

I can see the files that were deleted in my activities stream, but when I try to click on them I see:

Hi @Erik_Schluntz can you try accessing this:

If it doesn’t work kindly send in your logs to

Thank you :smile:

Thanks! I uninstalled insync right after this happened to ensure it wouldn’t continue by running “sudo apt-get remove insync”. I DID NOT remove “~/.config/Insync”.

Should the insync-trash folder still be accessible?

Also what does insync look like from Google’s server’s perspective? If it accidentally deletes something, will google think that I deleted it, and be able to restore it in the same way?


@Erik_Schluntz Yes, the .insync-trash folder should be under your Insync folder if you haven’t deleted it yet. So if your Insync folder is /home/erik/ for example, the .insync-trash folder would be /home/erik/

Files deleted by Insync will be put in Drive’s Trash, so you should be able to restore them from there.