"Ghost" files in root directory

I normally keep things very orderly, including a directory structure. In Insync’s main window I can see lots of files that are very old (which I no longer want and had deleted a long time ago) showing up. I selected them up for sync (they were unsynced).

The directories did show up in my filesystem and I deleted them. However, instead of removing them, it just marked them for not syncing, and they are still showing up in my main window in Insync. The files, even though I’ve marked them for syncing, I can’t seem to find them.

How can I actually delete the files, and, I suppose, the registry of those files where its causing them to show up in Insync? Is this an Insync problem or is it a Drive problem?

We might need to look into this, would you mind sending us your logs along with the link to this post to support@insynchq.com?
How to find the log files
