Hoverstate on feed items, but does nothing

When I hover over a feed item, I get the “pointer” cursor, where it looks like there is some action that I can take, but I can’t do anything. Is this supposed to have a feature with some action or are you using the wrong cursor type?

See the screenshot for an example.

Clicking on the Feed item should show the associated file/folder in Finder/ on Google Drive web. Does this not work for you?

Could you try updating to the latest version (1.2.3 or 1.2.5, available here New Insync version: 1.2.5/1.2.6)?

Thank you for the report!

P.S. There has also been a suggestion to add contextual actions to Feed/Shared with me, would any of these be useful for you too? Some useful context menu in Feed or Shared with me

does InSync not update itself?