New Insync version: 1.2.5/1.2.6

Edit: Some platforms have 1.2.6 as their version number because of an issue in their 1.2.5 release.

Release notes:

  • The tray menu now has items for pausing/resuming and quitting.
  • Improved the syncing and feed icons.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes uploading a file results to a ‘parent folder not found’ error.
  • (Linux) Fixed an issue where in some cases the app window is not placed properly.

Ubuntu 13.10 and older: 64 bit, <a href=""32 bit headless: 64 bit, 32 bit
Ubuntu 14.04 and newer: 64 bit, <a href=""32 bit
Debian: 64 bit, 32 bit headless: 64 bit, 32 bit
Fedora 19 and older: 64 bit, 32 bit headless: 64 bit, 32 bit
Fedora 20 and newer: 64 bit, 32 bit
Portable: 64 bit, 32 bit

Please help test.



The UI is broken in Ubuntu 14.04:

1 Like

@yltang Have ccd our Linux engineer @lpugoy

Hi, just upgraded fom 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 on Debian Jessie 8.0 64b + Xfce, no issues here. Good job.

Only suggestion would be to change the upper right “OFF” button behaviour to either minimize to panel by default or ask first if want to really quit. This behaviour should be set/changed on the app preferences.


Confirmed the interface is a bit broken.

I am able to browse a bit but unable to select anything.

This version was working for me properly:

I am using Ubuntu 15.04.

I have the same problem in fedora 22

There is another problem : tray icon is not showing

    $ insync start --no-daemon
QGtkStyle could not resolve GTK. Make sure you have installed the proper libraries.
which: no kreadconfig in (/usr/lib/insync:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/user/.local/bin:/home/user/bin)
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set

Please try if this build fixes the issue of the broken app window interface in Linux.

Ubuntu 13.10 and older: 64 bit, <a href=""32 bit
Ubuntu 14.04 and newer: 64 bit, <a href=""32 bit
Debian: 64 bit, 32 bit
Fedora 19 and older: 64 bit, 32 bit
Fedora 20 and newer: 64 bit, 32 bit

The UI problem is solved in fedora 22 besides the tray menu icon.


Are you using GNOME Shell? If so please try installing TopIcons ( to add tray icons to the upper right corner.

Yes, I am using GNOME Shell with TopIcons.
When I am clicking on the top bar (no icon is showing) at the side of the wifi icon, the insync window is opening.

I don’t know if there is a link but when I start insync with no-daemon option, there is a warning,

$ insync start --no-daemon
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set

This solved my issue on 15.04.

@gloOlim Are you using the installer for Fedora 19 or older or the one for Fedora 20 and newer?

The installer for fedora 20 and newer. Maybe it is a bug in fedora 22 (beta state) !

Hi, can you please push this newer version to the Fedora 21 repository? It still has Thanks,
