Implement an editable sync queue

It would be wonderful to be able to have an optional confirmation step before syncing, and an editable queue. For example, if you could pause the sync and click the part that says “985 items queued” to pull up a list of items that will be synced. Each line should indicate the direction that it’s syncing (up/down) and have an [x] to remove from the current queue and an [ig] or something to add it to the permanent ignore list.


Hi @Kael_Shipman1 thanks for this, it’s actually pretty helpful for our next big version release. Is the selective sync not doing the job for you? :smile:

Also you might be interested in this: Looking for Insync 2.0 beta users


No, selective sync is great, but there have been a number of times when something unexpected happens and I just want to make sure that things are syncing correctly. If I could pause the sync and take a look at the queue, I could rest assured that only the things that I want to happen are happening.

Actually, this would be even more useful if there were an option for “intentional” mode or something like that (please change that awful suggested name if you implement it), where you can set it to only sync when you push the button. Then you could turn it into a controlled, multi-stage process (like git or unison) whereby you can check all the changes before they go through.

I definitely don’t think this should be the default, but it would be useful in extenuating circumstances (which have unfortunately not been as uncommon as I’d like in the past months)…