Insync 64bit for Mac

Is there already a road map when insync for mac will be available in a 64 bit version? When insync is started, the following message appears: “App is not optimized for your Mac”.


No news about it !!? :frowning:

Got this Mac alert too…

And this morning, Insync stopped working altogether!

When booted, Insync crashes (after update to 1.4.6). I did a reinstall, same behaviour.

Tagging our engineer @marte for assistance.

We are having this problem too

Hi @gjoris

Could you please try to downgrade to 1.3.24 in the meantime and let me know if this version is working?

Hi all–

My apologies for the trouble. :frowning:

As per our engineer, for backwards-compatibility with older versions, we’re still 32-bit. But rest assured that we plan to eventually migrate to 64-bit, while dropping support for some very old versions of MacOS.

If you guys encounter any further issues, please send us an email at with the link to this post. Kindly include all relevant details such as those found here. Thank you!

Hi @mia , I already upgraded to the latest version on the website and that seems to work fine, at least for now. No downgrading needed :wink:

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10.15 will drop support for 32 bit applications. In the the beta, it Insync is already not working anymore.

No worries…Insync 3 will be 64-bit only on Macs :slight_smile:

Will there be an accelerated timeline for deploying Insync 3 publicly to stable channels in light of macOS dropping support for 32 bit Insync 1?

Or will there be a 64bit version of Insync 1 in the interim to allow users to use Insync 1 and the features that are currently unimplemented in Insync 3 (for example Docs conversion) when running macOS 10.15 Catalina?

Insync 3 will be publicly available before formal macOS 10.15 release

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