InSync fails on IPv6 only networks

I have InSync running on a Debian machine in a network that has only IPv6 available. IPv4-only hosts are available via a NAT64 service. Other applications successfully connect to both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts. Google’s web services, including Drive, work in both Firefox and Chrome.

InSync starts but does not synchronise any files. There are no messages in the “Errors” or “Actions required” sections. The only indication of a fault is that there is no green tick on the system tray icon.

Reintroducing IPv4 fixes the problem instantly.

My setup is a little unusual (at least in IPv4-rich parts of the world) so I would consider providing a system to test on if required.

Hi, thank you for your input, I will tag our engineers @marte and @lpugoy in this and they will get back to you.

@98w24p572a3w8l4ytiy: Apologies for not replying sooner. Please send your logs to for investigation: How to find the log files.

Please fix it. Insync probably have some IPv4 harcoded in its code.

@martin: Apologies for the trouble, this has been set aside for now. I’ll try to allot time for this in the future.

Any chance there is an update for IPv6 connectivity in general? I really like the InSync client, and IPv6 would be very appreciated. In my case, at my location, I typically see latency drop by half when accessing Google services over IPv6 vs IPv4.

@Jared_Richardson: Sorry, no work has been done on this yet.

Thanks for the reply. I keep checking back as this would be really great to have and is why in some cases I have gone back to the regular Google Drive agent.