I have INSYNC installed on my MacPro and a Macbook Pro. I have two accounts setup via google/insync and just recently on my Mac Pro, INSYNC is just stuck in a perpetual state and i get an apple warning that pops up saying: "There was a problem connecting to the server “John Friday’s MacBook Pro 17"” (that is my laptop)…which has not issues and is running insync just fine and has access to my two google accounts.
But my Mac Pro seems to have some issue and will not connect to my google accounts…basically can’t do anything–tried rebooting and quitting insync, but i can’t seem to get access to any functions within insync since the mac beach ball is just spinning.
I also cannot get access to any of the insync logs on my MacPro since the beach ball is spinning.
I have been enjoying the wonderful access to both my business and personal google accounts via INSYNC, but am not questioning how reliable this software is…I’d love for it to work, but i’m about to throw in the towel very soon. I can’t even work now on my Mac Pro without this connection warning popping up every 3 minutes…Completely Annoyed right now.
**found how to disable (Force Quit) Insync when i have no way to open it up…go to Utilities/ActivityMonitor and then choose insync and then click the “X” on the Activity Monitor to force quit…at least i no longer get the apple warning message popping up every 3 mins…but no access to my INSYNC synced files…
Understand this is a new small startup…so giving slack as i know what it’s like… but please some help on this.
See Attachments.