It has been several days and no word from Insync. Because my synchronisation is broken and I have practically speaking unlimited and fast upload and download bandwidth I made some experiments.
Was that Insync had over 700,000 items to sync and it was doing so at 1 per second
Actually both the local and Google ends had ALL the files so all that Insync needed to do would be to compare each file (however it does that) i.e. a file upload from the Local system or Download from the Google cloud not required
If it is was comparing more than file size and date/time then it WOULD have to download every cloud file, caculate a checksum and compare it with the local file. But It may not operate that way
Without Insync reinstall, I quit Insync
Then on cloud and local ends I DELETED the entire contents. So nothing at either end
Then I restarted, and initially EVEN AFTER scanning changes messages had gone it decided there were still 798,000 items to sync!!
Eventually after some hours it changed and it then syncd SHARED ITEMS without asking (not much, say about 2 GB) and then it finished.
I went to the web google drive and removed i.e. disassociated all shares
I tried a clean install
So I stopped the client
I uninstalled the client
Then I made sure bout local and cloud google drive areas are empty
Then I manually tried to clean up some files in ProgramFiles directory but they were locked
So reboot
On reboot clean out Insync directory
Install the latest 1.3.2 client again
Start up
Wait for scanning changes message to go
Now in a stead state nothing at either end
I copied into my gdrive local area my books directory which is 8.5GB size in 24,812 files
I left it synchronising i.e. copying upto host
Upload speed was always less then 4MB /sec (bytes not bits)
For small files it was almost zero
I screenshotted the progress to check speed
At 11.40 24988 items and at 13.30 20198 items, so that is 0.72 items per second
Basically useless
I am installing the native Google Drive! Yes, I know, desperate times
Before installing Insync is stopped
Both local and cloud are cleaned out
Many items exist in Google Drive Bin
I’ve tried cleaning BIN, but the google bug of lots of items in BIN wont immediately delete still seems to exist.
This might be relevant to explain that
Google drive is now started
It is /preparing for sync/ claiming to have found 320,000 items. This is bogus because all the items at the cloud end are in the BIN.
Edit …
After going past the 320K items to sync mark it finally correctly finds about 25K items to sync
1.5 hours later, native google drive client, uploaded 25K items, that is 8.47GBytes.
So far then the native Google client works and Insync does NOT.
Not what I was expecting.