This isn’t much of a question but rather an attempt to brainstorm about a key aspect of synced backups. Ransomware like CryptoLocker or Reveton is probably the hottest threat to personal computers these days. I take many precautions to prevent infection but no one is 100% secure. Taking backups on offline media is one possibility but didn’t we resort to cloud storage to eliminate such methods? I’m active on the Google Drive help forum and see these situations pop up where Ransomware encrypts entire drives and then they are synced to the cloud, rendering every file unusable. Let’s face it, Google’s file versioning system is worthless and this worries me a great deal.
I believe InSync can take this opportunity to provide protective measures. Perhaps it can utilise Windows’ own VSS or maybe InSync can detect anomalous behaviour (large amount of files being encrypted) and put a stop to the sync.
I’d love to hear your ideas!