22.04 .deb install adds Xenial apt repo instead of Jammy to sources

During installation using the Insync Ubuntu .deb installer for 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) the apt repo for Xenial is added to the sources list rather than the Jammy apt repo.

I installed Insync using this .deb:

Installation succeeds however upon completion the contents of my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/insync.list file are:
deb http://apt.insync.io/ubuntu xenial non-free contrib

Shouldn’t the 22.04 .deb be adding the Jammy repo to my sources?


Did you update your Ubuntu OS from an older one to Jammy Jellyfish recently?


No OS update, this is on a fresh install from a couple of days ago.

This is occurring on Pop OS 22.04 (an Ubuntu based distro).

Will notify our team, thank you for confirming that this was a fresh install!

@pgrohe Hi! Confirmed bug, and a fix has been lined up in an upcoming release. Thank you so much!

Great! Happy to help!

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