app not starting

The app started the first time and now I can’t get it to restart.

I have the same issue on my Ubuntu,
from CLI, I get this
#insync version
#insync start
#insync show
Insync doesn’t seem to be running. Start it first.

Hi! What’s your OS? :slight_smile:

Can you let me know what happens if you reinstall Insync, @siucdude and @David_Hassan? Please also share your OS version (ie Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04, etc)

I did #sudo apt-get --purge remove insync
and then reinstalled again and no luck.

Im running Ubuntu 21.04 and POP OS 21.04 bot have the same issue…


Hi @siucdude and @David_Hassan

Could you please share the output of insync start --no-daemon and apt-cache policy insync? Thank you : )

Here you are… this is from my POP OS 21.04, Im running Wayland but have for a long time… not sure if POP did something different…


siucdude@ExColo-Galago-Pro:~ $ insync start --no-daemon
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
Gtk-Message: 13:33:41.822: Failed to load module “appmenu-gtk-module”

(insync:29277): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 13:33:41.823: Settings schema ‘org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings’ does not contain a key named ‘antialiasing’
[1] 29276 trace trap insync start --no-daemon
siucdude@ExColo-Galago-Pro:~ $

siucdude@ExColo-Galago-Pro:~ $ apt-cache policy insync
Version table:
*** 500
500 http://apt.insync.io/ubuntu hirsute/non-free amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
siucdude@ExColo-Galago-Pro:~ $

Hi @siucdude, I’ve forwarded the output to our engineers and will let you know what steps to take next once I receive their advise :slight_smile:

Hi again @siucdude! Could you please try updating your system packages by running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade? Let me know if the issue persists after starting up Insync again

I did that… but nothing… let me know if you want to continue to troubleshoot… or any specific logs… thanks

The logs may help us yes! Could you please send it to support@insynchq.com with the link to this post? The logs.db and out.txt files are in ~/.config/Insync.