Adding a OneDrive account and Screen Stuck [FIXED]

Trying to add a OneDrive account and the screen is stuck on Retrieving your account’s license/plan…

Linux running version
With a developers license.

Hello, I can confirm there is currently an issue in our licensing endpoint. Our engineers have been alerted, and this issue is now under investigation.

We will release a fix as soon as possible. Thank you!

This has been fixed yesterday. Thank you for your patience!

This has not been fixed yet. I have been on this screen for 20 minutes.
Retrieving your account’s license/plan…

Now I get this after waiting long enough, now I get this:

This is the screen from the other account that I sync that is working.

@Tad_Smedes If the issue has not been resolved, could you please send an email to with the link to this forums post? Please include the following:

  • Email address of the account showing “Insync trial has expired”
  • Receipt of your Developer Sync Plan purchase

Thank you!