Advice for relocating Insync folder

Currently I have one of my two Insync folders located at:

I would like to move this folder to a new partition with minimal fuss.

I read this:

But it really doesn’t explain the best steps. Should I manually copy the folder to the new location first, then change the location in the account settings? Or change the location in the account settings, wait for the files to be downloaded from GDrive, and then delete the old folder?

I read someone report that it was taking days to re-index the folder that has been moved.

I also read some posts about creating symbolic links when moving part of the sync’d folder to a new drive. I’m not sure that is the best solution for me but willing to give that a try if that’s what is advised.

No need, you just need to follow the instructions in the how-to. No need to do anything with the folder, just select a new location using the app and it will automatically move the folder.

But what if the folder is on a different DRIVE??

Hi @soundsleit!

As in from Drive C:\ to Drive D:, for example? :slight_smile: If so, the same instructions on this guide would apply:

The same goes if you’ll go from local to external/network drive.