Any way of changing the icons (for the Drive folder and emblems)?

The special folder icon set by InSync for Drive does not quite fit in my current icon theme, and the button to Revert this special customization is disabled.

It would be better if the user could have a choice on this matter - e.g. keeping the default folder icon in the current theme, having a few options, and even adding a custom folder icon.

At the moment the only workaround seems to be entering a command like this after Insynch has started: gvfs-set-attribute -t string "~/Drive" metadata::custom-icon file:///usr/share/icons/XX/places/XX/folder-cloud.svg

The same is true for also emblems.

Insync seems to be using the emblem icons here: /usr/share/nemo/icons/hicolor/64x64/emblems
But modifying these icons has no effect unfortunately :frowning:

My OS is (Ubuntu 16.04 LTs based) Linux Mint 18.2 Cinnamon.

Any suggestions please?

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What’s your OS so we can consult our engineers about this? :slight_smile:

My OS is (Ubuntu 16.04 LTs based) Linux Mint 18.2 Cinnamon.
Updated above as well…

I really want this too. Using Ubuntu 17.10 (stock).

A workaround for changing the Insync google drive folder icon I use is replacing the following image files with the ones you prefer, e.g. by deleting and symlinking each to an appropriate one in your current icon theme (folder-google-drive, folder-cloud…)


As for the emblems:
It seems Insync uses some common emlems like these:


And some special emblems like these:


I’ve also changed them slightly (making smaller and adding some transparency)