Backup root-owned files

Upon backing up a root-owned folder (directory or filesystem) on my linux/debian/bullseye system to google-one drive, it barfs because it needs a rw access in order to backup to the cloud. This was a test of a cloudready VM I have as a folder, so no sweat yet. I just changed the ownership to un.users and it worked fine However, what is the real solution recommended by Insync for backing up a filesystem exactly as is (root-owned or otherwise) to my google-one space ?

Maybe I should ask this in a different way.

Will Insync backup linux filesystems to the cloud (google drive) without error and stopping ?

Ah ! Looks like my problem was the proxy setting. Apparently the default is to use a “system proxy”, which apparently is a 3rd party (insync) proxy machine somewhere ? I set it to “no proxy” and things start working as expected.

That said, I still need to know how to backup root-owned files. Anyone ?

Let me check this with our engineers to see how one can backup root-owned files :slight_smile:

Hi @freelsjd

Root owned files can be synced by giving Insync root access by starting it with ‘sudo insync start’

However, it’s generally not a good practice to give apps root access unless it’s really required to do so. My recommendation would be to change the ownership or allow rw access for the user running Insync to the files/folders to be synced.

Thanks for responding Kurt. I tried running insync as root via sudo. I routinely perform root functions using sudo, so I know/understand what should happen. In the case for insync, it immediately stops. Why would that be ?