Can I use the same external drive to sync with Insync installed on several machines with my license/google account?

Can I use the same external drive to sync with Insync installed on several machines with my license/google account?

I use my InSync account on several machines. I’d like to sync to an external drive and be able to sync to it from insync running on any of my machines that have insync.

Can I do this?

This is a bit like 2 separate user accounts syncing to same insync folder. I know in the past you’ve said this is a future feature. Why is it so difficult in engineering terms?

Hi @Rob_Davis,

You can use the same external drive to sync with several machines. Just make sure that the sync is complete prior to unplugging the external drive from the machine.


“You can use the same external drive to sync with several machines.” - is that really true?

On a new machine with Insync, would Insync not recognise that the external drive had already been synced? I think it would try to re-sync the whole drive again and cause duplicates in the Google Drive cloud.

The reason why I believe this is because I asked a question a long time ago about different Windows or Mac users being able to sync the same google account to the same shared drive and was told by you that this was not possible. So isn’t the external drive scenario a very similar thing that would also not be possibe.

My thinking is that Insync stores its own internal settings about a sync on the machine’s system drive e.g. C: So if we try to sync that same external drive to the same google account on another machine, it will try to re-sync from the beginning, from scratch because those internal settings aren’t on the new machine.

Hi @Rob_Davis :slight_smile:

Thanks very much for redirecting me on the situation!

Based on the info you’ve shared on our prior exchanges, the difference in the previous scenario is that two accounts cannot sync to the same location on the same computer.

While Insync has its own settings per machine, if you plug an external drive that contains files already existing in the cloud, Insync will file-match the local items with the cloud items.