Can we disable OneDrive and DropBox for all installs

Is it possible to disable OneDrive and DropBox so users cannot sync their files with them?

We want our users to be able to use Insync with Google Drive but we do not want them to be able to sync with OneDrive/DropBox. How can we prevent that?

Hello! There is no way to prevent this on another person’s computer as they are at liberty to add any accounts they wish to sync with Insync.

If we block the endpoint addresses for those services will that work. We are an enterprise that needs to support syncing from Ubuntu to OneDrive, but we cannot allow people to sync to Google Drive or Dropbox. We are a financial enterprise, and our regulators would not allow it.

We have a similar issue. Enterprise ready software needs to support GPO or other mechanisms to disable/control/prevent functionality.

Does Insync have plans to add?

@mia Any word? Just wondering how we can block certain cloud providers.

Hello @imthenachoman! This is not configurable via Insync as it is not within the scope of our services. Thank you for understanding!


That is unfortunate. Kinda kills any hope of using Insync in an enterprise environment.

Let me ask this – does Insync send traffic directly from the user’s computer to the cloud or does it proxy the data to Insync’s servers?

In other words, once we install and configure Insync, does it ever send data to Insync? Where can we see what data goes where?

@imthenachoman Let me ask our engineers regarding that. Thank you for your patience!

Hi @imthenachoman

To address your questions:

Thank you!

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Lovely. Thank you! I appreciate it.

@imthenachoman You’re very welcome! Happy to assist :slight_smile:

Is there someone I can contact at insynchq? I’d like ot use it at my corporate job but they need to work out a contract/sourcing agreement with insynchq. And for that, we need a contact. Like someone in sales.

Hello! Could you let me know if the details from would suffice?

Hello Mia. No, that won’t. I need to speak to someone in sales.

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Please do reach out to and what details must be included in the agreement needed.

Thank you!

I need a sales contact. I need first/last name, their email, and their phone number, of someone in sales so my sourcing department can reach out to them.

Hello @imthenachoman. As mentioned in my previous reply, please reach out to the email I provided. That way, we can connect and provide you with the requested information. The Forums community is more for public discussion, and as such I am not at liberty to freely share my teammates’s email and full name as those are considered private and only upon request.

Thank you for understanding.

Ah. My mistake. I did not understand what you meant. Thank you!

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@imthenachoman No worries! I realized I was extremely vague about it as well. Sorry about that! And thank you very much for reaching out :slight_smile: