Cannot login in Onedrive

This week Insync stopped syncing Onedrive indicating “authentication token is invalid”.

I tried to authenticate again without success. I updated Insync using insync_3.8.6.50504-focal_amd64.deb, cleared browser cache and removed account to try to add it again. Nothing worked.

The message “Connecting to Insync…” is frozen at the address

I’m using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

How should I proceed to reestablish synchronization?


Hello @aolinto! Could you please quit Insync then restart? Afterwards, if you still see the “authentication token is invalid” error, try to login via alternative method:

Let me know how it goes. By the way, is this a OneDrive for Business account?

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Thanks for your attention Mia. It worked!
The OneDrive account I use is from a 365 Family plan.
All the best.

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That’s great to hear! Please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime you need help :slight_smile: