Centos Insync headless

How does one get nested headless on centos ?

The repository does not work for centos (if i try without -ivh no luck either )
[root@hosted-by ~]# sudo rpm –import -ivh https://d2t3ff60b2tol4.cloudfront.net/repomd.xml.key
Retrieving https://d2t3ff60b2tol4.cloudfront.net/repomd.xml.key
error: open of –import failed: No such file or directory

hope someone can help me with the above

Hi @Nero_facetime I apologize for the delayed response. I’ll have our engineer @lpugoy look into this :smile:

@Nero_facetime What centos version are you using? For 6 and below please try the CentOS/RHEL (Beta) build at www.insynchq.com/downloads.

beta version works finem but just thought would try the repo, but ok its not working on centos 6

How does one get nested headless on centos? this is also not yet available for centos 6 i guess ?


I would like to know when final version of insync for CentOs will be released?

@Nero_facetime Apologies for not replying sooner. What did you mean by nested headless?

@assanches No plans for that at the moment. Optimistically we would like to also support GUI on CentOS, but it’s complicated to get all the dependencies.

when i say nested, i mean the following:

do we get this for Centos ?

@Nero_facetime Do you mean having a nested selective sync interface, or just the selective sync interface? If it’s the former it’s not being worked on yet, so it’s not available in all platforms. If it’s the latter, it should already be implemented with the manage_selective_sync command (./insync-portable manage_selective_sync my@email.com).