Clarification for Installing Insync on Windows 10 With Google Drive

On Insync’s download page, I see this message for the Windows installation:

To avoid conflicts, switch off any Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox
clients before running Insync

Ok, so I exit Google Drive before installing Insync. Do I then need to manually uninstall or disable Google Drive after installing Insync? Or, do the Insync installation program take care of all that?

Insync doesn’t interact with other applications in that manner. Users would have to manually disable it after installing Insync @Jeff_S :slight_smile:

Is it preferred that I uninstall Google Drive before installing Insync, @mia?

Well, you don’t have to uninstall necessarily, but it is preferred to avoid any conflicts.

But if you don’t want to uninstall, just don’t run them at the same time especially if they’re using the same sync location.