Thank you for great software essential for my Ubuntu Life!
Recently, after successful syncing of my mailbox with 200,000 files, I am facing little but messy problem.
After logging in to my desktop of Ubuntu, insync shows syncing icon message with one or two files need to be synced, despite completion of all files at the previous logging-out. This problem can be solved after quitting running insync instance and re-launching, full syncing icon showed.
This “continuation of small number of files” continues after re-launching insync with one or two files continuously syncing (I don’t know what files are syncing continuously). Sometimes “all synced” icon displaying, but mostly “syncing” icon is displaying.
Is there some influence of syncing enormous number of files? Is there any solution, such as cache flashing or reviewing settings? Advices appreciated.
My platform is Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (with all latest patches applied). Insync 1.3.22 running.