Create a folder and sync both Google Drive and OneDrive together

I would like to Create a folder and sync both Google Drive and OneDrive together. Both services have the same named folders,is this possible. Otherwise when something changes on one service I have to copy and paste to the other service.


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Hi, Henry! This is Mara from Insync Support.

We do not have this feature yet. Can you expound more on why you’d like this feature and what objective you’re trying to achieve? :slight_smile:

Right now, we try to keep the accounts separate to avoid file conflicts from each cloud that could cause corrupted files.

Hi Mara!

Figured it made no sense to sync 2 services with the same files. Both my Google Drive and OneDrive have the same exact folders and files. Currently running Ubuntu 21.04 Have installed Insync, but I have to remove the PPA as it is not supported yet with a key.

Thank you for replying



Hi, I have the same question/ask/suggestion for new feature… I write documents heavily often, and have office 365 subscription, I have 2 cloud services (gDrive, OneDrive) bevause, for some reason Microsoft blocked my account suddenly and waited for 3 months to retrieve my documents, so that brought me to insync, but since I use word and power point as a dily basis, can’t sync my documentos in OneDrive, because I’m just saving them on gDrive, I’m looking for this feature, sincing from one foler to both services to have my main documents and a backup at the same time… I bougth two licenses thinking on thtat, but at the moment is not possible… and if it is, I dont know how to use it…


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Thanks for sharing your use case with us, @cristobalflorian (and sorry to hear it took 3 months to retrieve your OneDrive docs!). I have taken note of this feature request and will be sharing it with our product team so we can better understand how this particular feature can help our users. :slight_smile:

I would say it makes great sense. You use, for example, Google Drive for all your working files then have them back up in two separate cloud services. Having 2 cloud backups plus what you have on the machine is perfect