Don't delete local files... ever?

I would like to use InSync to archive all the Google Drive files for my business. For this reason I NEVER want InSync to delete local files, even if they are deleted by a user in Google Drive. Can this be configured / added as a feature?

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We’re planning this in a future version, thanks for your request! :slight_smile:

What is the status of this? Can/does the current version of insync delete files? If so I’m going to have to hold off on purchase as I can’t risk data loss trying to deal with the way it works today.

+1 I want to use insync as a way to mirror my drive contents to a local server but never ever want to push local changes back to Google.

Be nice to be able to mark certain subtrees for no delete, others for normal delete.

Conversely, it’d be nice to block local deletes from the cloud, so accidental delete local can be recovered from the cloud. A logical delete flag up there would need some support from Google, alas.