I am using the latest version of Insync (v3.8.7.50505) on Windows.
The Insync documentation (https://help.insynchq.com/en/articles/3045421-ignore-rules) says: “The Ignore Rules supports full gitignore syntax.”
The double stars (/**/) between slashes syntax for .gitignore does not seem to work.
In the .gitignore documentation, “a slash followed by two consecutive asterisks then a slash matches zero or more directories. For example, “a/**/b” matches “a/b”, “a/x/b”, “a/x/y/b” and so on.”
To reproduce the issue:
- Create a rule “mydir/**/*.ext” in Insync
- Create a folder “mydir” anywhere under an already synced folder
- Create a file “myfile.ext” under “mydir”
- Create a folder “anotherdir” under “mydir”
- Create a file “mysecondfile.ext” under “anotherdir”
Both files were synced (i.e. not ignored).