Running Insync on a dual boot machine, with a common location for the Google Drive, but this isn’t the only way to trigger it.
I had a fully synced Windows environment. I rebooted into Linux and Insync proceeded to delete various folders and files without obvious logic (some folders/files had not been touched in a while, others were recently used). I restored the deleted folders/files from trash and also noticed some had been deleted, but replaced with duplicates (e.g. myfile.blend had been deleted, but a new file called myfile (2).blend) was in the folder instead.
Once I had this mess cleaned up, I rebooted back to Windows. In Windows, Insync promptly started deleting other files and folders. Restoring a deleted file (myfile.txt) would sometimes give me a copy instead (e.g. myfile (2).txt)
These duplicates and orphaned copies are really annoying. Are these issues near the top of your to-do list? Robustness over features would be welcome.