Error 400 - malformed request in Chrome when setting up Insync (Linux)

Chrome 83.0.4103.97

I just got a new laptop and installed Fedora 32 (I’ve used Fedora successfully with Insync for ages). I installed Chrome and logged in, and then installed Insync. On the first start window (with the big Google Drive and OneDrive icons) I click Google Drive and get directed to the Chrome user login selection. I pick my account and it then tells me “Something went wrong.” I hit the Next button and it tells me this:

Trying that option repeatedly just gets the same results. I was able to successfully log in using the Alternative Login option.

same here. I have multiple accounts on google, privat and business. None works. Alternative login works, but is annoying and hard to find in the docs.
This issue should not be open for more than 1 year!

Hi @christoph2806, it seems like you reached out to us via chat about a couple of error messages pertaining to a ‘bad request’. Could you please send your logs.db and out.txt files to with the link to this post? They should be in ~/.config/Insync.

Thank you!

Same here on Mac, just set Safari as primary browser and everything went well. This is the random Chrome’s issue, which I also saw multiple times with other apps.

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Thank you for that lead, @dsotnyk. I’ll raise this to our engineers for further investigation.

@dsotnyk Hi! Could you please share the URL via email ( We’ll check out two URLs:

  1. before you log in (showing the Google login)
  2. the URL showing the 400 error

Thank you!

Hi Mia,


Privacy Badger extension is the source of the issue in my case. It blocked cookies from, considered them as “trackers”.

Solution - uninstall it OR click settings and disable processing of

So, privacy extensions can be the source of the trouble. It is possible that this is much more than just single extension, 'cause sometimes they share some common list.

Do you still need URLs? I found the root cause, while tried to make a network exchange dump for you.

P.S. In my case, with my settings, AdBlockPlus or uBlock Origin was ok.

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Sent Linux/Chrome data, trying to find root cause on Linux.

UPDATE: Same root cause on Linux, privacy plug-in, PrivacyBadger in my case.

P.S. In my case, with my settings, AdBlockPlus or uBlock Origin was ok.

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Hi @dsotnyk! Thank you so much for sharing your update. Let me see if our team would still need the URLs as originally requested.