Error with .gdsheet and endless loop trying to sync

I am having an issue with a recently created google drive spreadsheet.
Insync created the link, to the web editor, on the correct folder, but I am getting this issue. Insync is locked on a loop trying to sync this file. It does feel like is trying to send it back to the cloud.


Also, I don’t know why the error in here has description on my system language, not in English, as insync program is in English.

Error LOG:

{“message”: “Unhandled error while doing %r.”, “params”: [“FSAdder(user_id=u’XXXXXXXXXXXX’, work_id=2, fs_id=725867, changestamp=1525357167.772832, state={u’file’: {u’name’: u’XXXXXXXXXXXX.gdsheet’, u’target_id’: None, u’parent_id’: 172565, u’node_id’: u’2059/24876’, u’mtime’: 1525357167.771, u’type’: u’R’, u’size’: 212}})”]}

{“type”: “OSError”, “value”: “[Errno 1] Opera\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o permitida: ‘/mnt/D/XXXXXX/…/XXXXXX.gdsheet’”, “module”: “exceptions”}

{“frames”: [{“function”: “__run”, “abs_path”: “idesksyncer/”, “vars”: {“self”: “FSAdder(user_id=u’XXXXXXXX’, work_id=2, fs_id=725867, changestamp=1525357167.772832, state={u’file’: {u’name’: u’XXXXXXXXX.gdsheet’, u’target_id’: None, u’parent_id’: 172565, u’node_id’: u’2059/24876’, u’mtime’: 1525357167.771, u’type’: u’R’, u’size’: 212}})”, “exc”: “OSError(1, ‘Opera\xc3\xa7\xc3\xa3o n\xc3\xa3o permitida’)”}, “module”: “idesksyncer.syncworks”, “filename”: “desksyncer/”, “lineno”: 1113}, {“function”: “_do”, “abs_path”: “idesksyncer/”, “vars”: {“fs_file”: [“725867”, “172565”, “u’XXXXXXXXXX.gdsheet’”, “u’R’”, “1525357167.771”, “212”, “u’2059/24876’”, “None”], “self”: “FSAdder(user_id=u’XXXXXXXXX’, work_id=2, fs_id=725867, changestamp=1525357167.772832, state={u’file’: {u’name’: u’XXXXXXXX.gdsheet’, u’target_id’: None, u’parent_id’: 172565, u’node_id’: u’2059/24876’, u’mtime’: 1525357167.771, u’type’: u’R’, u’size’: 212}})”, “is_link”: true}, “module”: “idesksyncer.fsworks”, “filename”: “desksyncer/”, “lineno”: 385}, {“function”: “__add_gfmt”, “abs_path”: “idesksyncer/”, “vars”: {“gd_file”: [“u’XXXXXXXXXX’”, “u’prime’”, “u’XXXXXX’”, “u’XXXXXXXX.gdsheet’”, “u’G’”, “1525189605.577”, “u’application/’”, “1525189605.577”, “None”, “None”, “None”, “40”, “0”, “None”], “fs_file”: [“725867”, “172565”, “u’XXXXXXX.gdsheet’”, “u’R’”, “1525357167.771”, “212”, “u’2059/24876’”, “None”], “gd_base_file”: [“u’XXXXXXXXXX’”, “u’“XXXXXX-XXXXX/XXXXXX”’”, “u’XXXXXXXX’”, “u’application/’”, “1524152789.846”, “1525189605.577”, “1525189605.577”, “None”, “1525356546.163”, “[u’XXXXXXXX’]”, “u’owner’”, “[u’XXXXX’]”, “0”, “0”, “0”, “1”, “0”, “0”, “1”, “1”, “0”, “0”, “None”, “None”, “None”, “None”, “u’XXXXX’”, “u’1234://’”, “None”, “None”, “u’1234://’”, “u’1234://’”, “u’1234://’”, “None”, “None”, “0”, “None”, “[{‘is_me’: True, ‘perm_id’: u’XXXXXXX’, ‘name’: u’XXXXXXX’, ‘photo_url’: u’XXXXXXXX’}]”, “{‘is_me’: True, ‘perm_id’: u’XXXXXXX’, ‘name’: u’XXXXXXXXX’, ‘photo_url’: u’XXXXXXX’}”, “None”, “0”], “gd_url”: “1234://”, “self”: “FSAdder(user_id=u’XXXXXXX’, work_id=2, fs_id=725867, changestamp=1525357167.772832, state={u’file’: {u’name’: u’XXXXXXXX.gdsheet’, u’target_id’: None, u’parent_id’: 172565, u’node_id’: u’2059/24876’, u’mtime’: 1525357167.771, u’type’: u’R’, u’size’: 212}})”, “src_gd_id”: “XXXXXXXXX”, “sub_fs_file”: [“803473”, “172565”, “u’.~$XXXXXXX.gdsheet.insyncdl’”, “‘R’”, “1525357168.736”, “0”, “‘2059/28106’”, “None”], “new_fs_file”: [“725867”, “172565”, “u’XXXXXX.gdsheet’”, “u’R’”, “1525357167.771”, “212”, “u’2059/24876’”, “None”], “gdlink_info”: [“u’XXXXXXXXXX’”, “u’1234://’”, “u’XXXXXX’”], “path”: “/mnt/D/XXXXXXXX.gdsheet”, “contents”: “{“url”: “1234://”, “account_email”: “XXXXXX”, “file_id”: “XXXXXXXXXXXX”}”}, “module”: “idesksyncer.fsworks”, “filename”: “desksyncer/”, “lineno”: 644}, {“function”: “copy_dl_sub”, “abs_path”: “idesksyncer/”, “vars”: {“sub_fs_id”: 803473, “sub_path”: “/mnt/DXXXXXXXX.gdsheet.insyncdl”, “self”: “<idesksyncer.fsstate.FSState object at 0x7fb2ea0e3990>”, “dest_path”: “/mnt/D/XXXXXXXXX.gdsheet”, “dest_fs_id”: 725867, “mtime”: 1525357167.771}, “module”: “idesksyncer.fsstate”, “filename”: “desksyncer/”, “lineno”: 766}, {“function”: “set_mtime”, “abs_path”: “ideskfs/”, “vars”: {“self”: “<isyncd.linux.fsimpl.LinuxFSImpl object at 0x7fb2f917df90>”, “atime”: 1525357168.738513, “full_path”: “/mnt/D/XXXXXXXXX.gdsheet”, “mtime”: 1525357167.771}, “module”: “ideskfs.fs”, “filename”: “deskfs/”, “lineno”: 267}]}

P.S.: My OS is Linux Kubuntu 17.10


Sorry for the trouble. :frowning: Could you please send your log files as an attachment to with the link to this post?

I have the exact same issue, but with .gddocs !!

Please fix this, had to filter out all .gddoc files :frowning:

Hi all!

As per our engineer, you can just delete the .gdsheet or .gddoc file locally, then re-sync the Google sheet from the Files UI.

This didn’t solved anything! After some time, the error come back!
Deleting local file is useless!

Tagging our engineer @jimperio @Kurt_Ko for assistance.