Extreme energy impact/cpu usage

Hi @Octavio,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and my apologies for the trouble you’re facing. I completely understand your sentiments; high CPU usage has been a problem for a number of users in the past indeed. Our investigations in the past and as of recent have not yet led us to clearer leads which would explain why it has not yet been permanently fixed.

I have responded to you email with some follow-up questions :slight_smile: Please let me know if you haven’t received it!

I’m currently using CentOS 8.3 with kernel 4.18.0-305.19.1.el8_4.x86_64 and the same issue is happening. I’ve already sent the logfiles to the support team. There is a roadmap to fix the problem? As @Octavio already said, 3 years since the report and the problem are still happening on different platforms.

Hi @Andre_Coelho,

I got your log files, thank you! We have not been successful in past investigations to replicate the issue and we are going to revisit this in an upcoming projects cycle.

Anyone found the solution for this?

My new Macbook Pro M1 is getting super hot when syncing and CPU is at 100%.

Hey @Srdjan_Coric,

Could you please send your logs.db and out.txt files to support@insynchq.com with the link to this post? Please also let me know if you noticed any patterns to this issue, such as: memory leak (excessive memory usage), a lot of files are syncing/being modified, etc.

This is still a problem on 22.04. When I use insync on laptop (intel i5), the cpu hogs at 100% with insync process. When I use it on a desktop computer (same account) with AMD cpu, it works as intended without cpu hogging.

First, there was a difference in the setup. On laptop I was using custom files location. After I stumbled upon

I completely wiped insync, data and all the settings from laptop, installed it from scratch, setted up with default location and hoped. After two nights of syncing the result is that CPU is at 100% like before.

Are there any news about this? The main difference between the two computers is CPU vendor and the voltage obviously.

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Hi @gnaag, I have tested on lots of Intel CPUs (i5-1135G, i7-1165G, i7-10875H, i7-11800H, i7-12700H) and the custom names appears not to have an effect. Extreme CPU usage has had only happened a few times in the past year. Sorry, I wish I could be more helpful.

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Thank you for reporting this and my apologies for the huge trouble! We are in the process of prioritizing Insync’s performance improvements including this particular issue on CPU usage.

any solution for this problem?

Same problem for the last year or so. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

I have the same problem using Zorin OS 17.1. The cpu goes to 100% until finish the sync.

Hello all! For users experiencing the issue, please send your logs.db and out.txt files to support@insynchq.com with the link to this forums post. Please also include other details like:

  • Is it a large ongoing sync? (whether it’s a lot of files or a few big files)
  • Does this happen even when syncing a few small files?

Thank you!