Feed is incorrect on Ubuntu 20.04 [under investigation]

Recently the feed shown in the application is incomplete. As shown by referring to the Recent category in the Drive website, files were uploaded that are not shown in the feed.

This is annoying because I have to go to Drive and confirm that the files actually got uploaded. If I am going to have go to Drive, I can upload the files myself and eliminate the need for Insync.

Hi @Bill_Miller,

Could you please check the Activity tab on your Google Drive (see screenshot below for reference), and let me know if you observe the same inconsistencies?

The Activity field (I finally found it on the website) is correct. It shows all files uploaded, unlike the feed in insync. (The other two items were on the website if I scrolled down)>

I’m experiencing the same problem since yesterday on Debian 12 (version The files are synced to Google Drive, but the feed doesn’t show any entry.

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Hi @psaletan and @Bill_Miller,

Could you send your logs.db and out.txt files to support@insynchq.com with the link to this post? Kindly address the email to me. Here’s how to find the logs: https://help.insynchq.com/en/articles/1834816-locating-the-log-files

For now, you may check that the file has been uploaded by going to the file’s location on your Insync’s My Drive tab (also referred to as the Cloud Browser).

Done as requested, thanks.

Today the feed showed all deleted items, but not all added items.

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Got your logs, will update as soon as I know more!