File transfers stopped

Over the last 2 weeks, we have had several issues with this service synchronizing with Google Team Drives.
2 weeks ago, files were incorrectly deleted by the software on the server.
The service was stopped at that time.
Since then, we have restarted the service, and it started creating duplicates of files on the server.
We stopped the service, uninstalled and reinstalled the software, and now the files are not transferring at all.
Is there a way for us to read the logs.db file so we can troubleshoot this issue?
This is a 24/7 operation supporting local law enforcement.
We would be willing to pay for support if there is a paid support option.

Currently, this is all we see in the out.txt file at the server end

Exception in thread GeventITCSpawner:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “threading.pyo”, line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File “threading.pyo”, line 763, in run
File “ideskutils\gevent_itc.pyo”, line 174, in wrapper
File “ideskutils\gevent_itc.pyo”, line 99, in spawn_in_own_thread
File “threading.pyo”, line 745, in start
error: can’t start new thread

As an update to the support personnel reading this, as well as others experiencing this issue, this looked like the database, or whatever is used, that was comparing the 2 sides for synchronization was damaged or corrupt.
When the task was setup, but nothing was happening, the Insync app would give us the option to pause sync, even when there no sync tasks configured, which made us look at the database corruption angle.
We were able to get it back to working by uninstalling insync, to include the removal of the Insync folder under %roamingappdata%, then restarting the server in question, installing Insync and setting one of the synchronization tasks back up.
Synchronization was seen to run, for about 2-3 hours, and then stopped, as it looks like it has hit the rate limit issue that we have seen previously.
Is it possible to receive some support for this?

InSync deleted some of my files recently too, I am not happy, and definitely not going to buy the software now (it was a trial version). Luckily I have a friend who has a copy of the files that can re-send me (5 GB of raw video footage). I opened my logs.db (SQLite file database), and found the entries in the table that show it deleted the files too, apparently due to a parent folder upwards in the tree somewhere getting moved/renamed. Because of this incident, I don’t think I can ever trust InSync

Hi @JPost,

My apologies for the huge trouble. Could you please send your logs.db and out.txt files to with the link to this forums post?

Can you please specify which direction the files are not transferring to when the rate limit error was encountered – is it cloud-to-local or local-to-cloud (or both)?

Hi @Yoseph_Tanner,

My sincerest apologies for the trouble! Do you happen to still have the log files? If so, and if you would like us to investigate this further, you may send it to It’s odd that the deletion took place shortly after a parent folder got removed/renamed. :thinking: