Files created online on my Gdrive are not syncing to my desktop folder

Dear staff,

Files created online on my Gdrive are not syncing to my desktop folder. For example, if I’m reading something on my tablet and upload the file to my Gdrive, it won’t go to my Desktop. Only if I select the file on the app – in my Desktop. Of course, the folder to which I’m sending the file is synced.

What should I do?


Hey @Flavio_Pinheiro!

If I understand correctly, you want files uploaded to your Google Drive to show up on your Desktop? If that’s the case, where is your default sync folder located? To know this, simply go to the Insync UI and go to Folder Settings. you’ll see it there. :slight_smile:

Solved. Since not all my folders on my Gdrive are synced, I should have marked “sync new children (…)”…

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