Files renamed with (2) appended

Hello, Occasionally I have noticed files renamed with a (2). Normally this is little more than an inconvenience due to shortcuts becoming invalid. But today, I am finding that an encrypted file vault is now not accessible due to this. I’m hoping I will just be able to rename and it will open, but I would like to know why this occurs or how to prevent it.

I have 4 PCs all auto update to the latest when available. In the image below you can see that Insync does not show the (2), but windows does

Please also send your logs to after Insync is closed and include the following files in the folder:

  • logs.db
  • out.txt
  • data folder
  • live folder

If these are too big for an attachment, feel free to upload the files in the cloud and send us a shared link so we can download these.

Could you confirm if you are using any other sync applications while Insync is running? I’m also intrigued… while there is a numerical suffix (2) on the local files, I don’t see the original file (like IMPORTANT.rtf on file explorer). If you make changes to IMPORTANT (2).rtf, do these changes sync to IMPORTANT.rtf in the cloud?