Folders being emptied

Logged in today to find that the downloaded versions of many of the sub folders in my drive are empty.

But in Google, they still have the (correct) data

There’s no syncing happening in insync

Why won’t my data download?

Hi @Jordan_Feldstein1 I apologize for this inconvenience. I will tag our engineer @jimperio in this and he will get back to you, thank you.

Hello @Jordan_Feldstein1, have you checked the selective sync settings in the Insync app window? One possible explanation is that the items under those folders have somehow become selectively-unsynced.

How did you initially sync these files? Did you start with an empty folder and let Insync download your files and folders from Drive?

Finally, could you send in your logs and start a support conversation ( so we may assist you further? Thank you and I’m sorry for this delayed response!