Folders missing on Windows computer

Hi Insync. One of my main Google Drive folders is missing LOTS of folders on my Desktop computer which is being synched via Insync.

The folders are clearly there in Google Drive via a web browser, but they’re not there on my local computer.

I’ve checked Selective Sync in InSync and the folders are there and ticked.
But they’re not showing on my Windows Desktop.

Help please!

I’ve been waiting for days for a reply from you via the support channel. You told me the logs looked fine and that engineers were looking into the problem. I haven’t heard anything from you for days.

Come on InSync! I’ve been a big fan for a long time.

It’s now been days since I’ve heard from you via the chat app on your website about this problem.

Please help - or I’m going to have no toehr option but to cancel our subscription!

Sorry about that. I’ve alerted our engineer about this and will be following up for you again. We apologize for the delay.

Seriously InSync! I am STILL awaiting a resolution on this. After forwarding the requested logs to your engineer a week ago - I have not had a reply.

Not good enough.

Seriously, enough’s enough!

What do I need to do to get a refund. Your support is non existent.

So sorry about this Ryan. Can you send in your receipt number and/or Paypal transaction ID to and we will take care of this right away.

@Ryan Hello Ryan, I am really sorry that I could not address your concern timely.

As I had mentioned to you in my initial email and today, for items that have multiple parent folders on Google Drive web, Insync syncs them only under one parent, locally.
